
The career of robotics is not only very interesting but also compensates you well. This means you get paid good money. Your average yearly salary is $88,800. A robotics engineer can earn between $64,000 to $96,000 in the U.S. based on experience and education.


The minimum that someone studying to be a robotics engineer needs is a bachelor's degree. The minimum time it takes you to study is typically 4-5 years. Usually you need to have a degreee in mechanical engineering or other engineering specialties like physical science or mathematics.

Cool 21st Century Inventions

  • Mech: A big robotic suit that you can operate for heavy lifting.
  • Nanobot medicine: tiny robots that destroy things like cancer cells in the body.
  • i-Air-touch Technology: Floating screens that you can touch in the air for convience
  • Military Exoskeleton: Suit used by soldier
  • 3D Printer: printer that prints objects instead of paper
  • Flexwarm jacket: jacket with built in heater
  • Port: phone charger that uses solar energy
  • Kitchen Sanitizing Wand: Uses rays to destroy harmful bacteria in different parts of the house.

  • Here are some fields to consider.


    Microrobotics is basically the use of of very tiny robots. These robots either move and work on their own or are designed as insects which you can control. They are used to explore places that people themselves can't. This way we know more about the world around us. This will make exploration much easier. They are also built to handle small jobs. For instance, one type of microbot, the nanobot, is currently being used to treat cancer. This treatment is called nanotherapy. Doctors send nanobots into the patient's body and the nanobots destroy cancer cells. That's not it. Microbots have much more uses as well.



    Automation is the use of a system of machines to do things for people. In the future many of the things we do now,(including the small things) like changing the thermostat, or turning on the shower when you arrive to the bathroom will be automated. Automation will be able to control many different systems such as controlling airplanes and boats and running factories.For example, Automation is used in factories where they use conveyor belts and robotic arms to work on products such as cars. These machines will definitely take the load off of people's backs and do their work better too. No more slip-ups. These machines will never get tired so they won't need vacations. This means stores will be open on holidays. They can also work with and organize data such as information and statistics.


    Artificial Intelligence

    Artifical Intelligence is the intelligence of a machine that is used to do certain tasks. Most of you who are reading this have probably heard of Siri or Alexa. They are examples of artificial intelligence. Whenever someone asks them a question their programming makes them try to find the correct answer. For instance if somebody asked them what the weather is like outside, Alexa would surf the web and find the answer online. Not only this, but artificial intelligence can also be used for many other fields as well. No longer will police officers and firefighters be risking their lives for society. In the near future, robots with artificial intelligence will go into burning buildings and save innocent lives. Robotics Engineers make that happen. Actually, because of artificial intelligence half of the jobs in the near future will be taken by robots. They can do their jobs much more efficiently than humans. Soon robotic garbage collecters will come right on time to collect garbage from your house. Soon self driving buses and cars will take people where they want to go without get into crashes. Artifical intelligence is being used in Healthcare, Manufacturing, Retail and Banking.This technology works more efficiently than humans.

    Artificial Intelligence