Hall of Fame

Here are some robots to get you interested about the future. These robots are unique machines that just express the creativity that we humans possess and get you excited for the future.

Asimo is a robot that scientists tried to move its body like a regular human being. In this picture you see it dabbing. This robot is a true gift to society.

Sophia is a robot with artificial intelligence which as I said before is the ability of a robot to "think". In one conversation Sophia declared war on humans. However most likely she didn't mean it. Some of the things that Sophia says are completely random but she'll improve.

EATR is a military robot that is fueled by biomass. This basically means plants or once living organisms. Many people were worried about the fact that it could eat humans. The fact that it had a chainsaw didn't ease anybody's mind.

Tomaton is a robot that feeds you tomatoes on the run. Do you ever have those moments where you're going on a run and you just feel so hungry? Well, Tomaton solves that. While you're running Tomaton, who's strapped to your back dispenses tomatoes and feeds them to you.

This terrifying abomination is called the Super Monster Wolf. In Japan all of the wolves were hunted down to the point of extinction to avoid danger. As a result all of the wolf's prey are eating farmer's crops. Officials are descussing the option of breeding wolves in Japan. For now farmers are using this mechanical wolf to defend their crops. It can't actually move that much but it's still scary enough to make the animals cry.

Eelume is a robot that resembles an aquatic snake. This robot was designed to help with underwater missions like inspecting, maintaing, and fixing things.Not only that but he also scares the local wildlife.